New Website ‘Bearing Witness’ to Our Slaveholding Past

6/30/2024 ~ News By Steve Ellman
KINGSTON – The county Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s website, “Bearing Witness,” has gone live, providing a searchable database of documents, maps, stories and data related to the practice of slavery in Ulster County, Overarching point: It wasn’t just the South…
Ulster County launches website “bearing witness” to county’s history with slavery

WAMC Northeast Public Radio
6/19/2024 ~ By Jesse King
Ahead of Juneteenth, Ulster County launched a new website Monday organizing its historical records related to slavery.
For two years, the Ulster County Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been sifting through the county archives to identify anything related to enslaved people or slavery. Kingston Historian Taylor Bruck and New Paltz Historian Susan Stessin-Cohn say they initially weren’t sure where to look — there was no category or label for “slavery” in the county archives — but the answer quickly became apparent.